About Santos

I deal with the subject of Syncretism, bringing together all the fields of knowledge and wisdom and showing the interrelatedness of all things. Syncretism is the opposite of division and disunity and covers all the big topics like; Theology, Astrotheology, Natural Science, Astrology, Reclaiming Dominion, Breaking the fictions of Religion, Science and Law, and the Holy Science, an ancient science based on the workings of the solar system, which is the science of, ‘as above so below’. These sciences enable one to develop wisdom and enlightenment far beyond what this world currently has to offer.
The ancients superiority in all scientific fields is patent still today after the ravages of time have caused decay and wear. The monuments that are still standing thousands of years after their glorious creation are tacitly declaring to all that have come after that they knew more than we do even now in this advanced date of 2017. Engineers know that literally hundreds of the megalithic relics we have of days gone by are impossible to replicate even with the technology of today.
Those very same people left us Spiritual Wisdom too. Love of Wisdom has always been the highest virtue of Man. Philosophy comes from two Greek words, Love & Wisdom. The ruling families created counterfeit philosophical organizations (Corporate religions/ churches) to replace the three branches (Logic, Ethics, Physics) of Philosophy with Dogma and Doctrine, Fear, Superstition and ignorance. and explain how the powers that be, (The Elite Oligarchies) through their religious, political, monetary, corporate (etc) institutions, have been suppressing the true Science/ Religion that was bequeathed to us by more advanced civilizations i.e.: Egypt, Babylon, Persia, India, Greece etc. The science of the stars and soul.
This is the knowledge that they prefer we do not have. Knowledge is too empowering and they want control. The greatest enemy of this true wisdom is religion. The clergy have been denouncing scientists, astronomers, alchemists etc., and killing them (Socrates, Seneca, Boethius, Hypatia, Giordano Bruno, etc. ) for too long now, things are about to change forever and they know that Mankind is waking up.
Syncretism shows how all the Ancient Legendary Stories, Myths, Bibles, Fairy Tales etc, all have one simple common origin. In all of these wonderful ancient classics, the Personae are always the same, under different names. E.g. The Sun, Hercules, Jesus, Krishna, Little Red Ridding Hood, Prince Charming etc., are all one and the same Person/ Entity. All the characters have the same roles, the same adventures and the same trials and labours. The Seven visible planets and luminaries (The Active Creator God’s) in our Solar System considered to be a Macrocosmic Atom, the Twelve Constellations of The Zodiac, all play a very important role in this. The numbers Three and Four are also important. Four is the number of the elements, Fire, Air, Water, and Earth, which correspond to Light/ Heat, Gas, Liquid and Solid. They are the building blocks of the Universe. It is possible to explain every verse in the Bible with Science and Astronomy and Physics etc.
The underlying message of all the legendary books of Mythology (Including the Bible) is one and the same. Nature (The only book of God), in all her naked glory, is revealed to the ones that have ‘eyes to see’. The recurring cycles of nature are the basis of all the stories. In particular the Day, the Year, and the Great Year, or the Platonic year (Scientific name: Precession of the equinoxes) This cycle lasts around 24,000 years. This latter cycle is the cause of the Zodiacal ages. The age of Pisces is giving way to the age of Aquarius and we have just crossed over a great galactic alignment that takes place only once every 24,000 years.
This Science of ‘as above so below’ is the most ancient universal system of harmonizing man with his natural surrounds! The stars above and the stars below, i.e. our own bodies. Mankind is in harmony with Nature only when he realizes that he is the microcosm of the Universe and a Galaxy unto himself. Man has lost this profound knowledge over the past few thousand years due to the Precession of the Equinoxes. The ancients foretold the dark history of the recent past. Hesiod, Hermes and many others foretold a time when the understanding of the sacred truths would become obscure and the knowledge would have to go underground to be preserved for a future time. That time has now arrived.
The ancient wisdom traditions always depict “man” (male and female) as a composite being and frequently as the microcosmic reflection of the conscious living universe: as above, so below.
Plato, for example, describes in allegory the kingdom outside (the ideal State) and within (ourselves) as a Republic composed of many citizens. He describes it as a diverse yet interdependent polity ideally ruled by the philosopher, the wisdom-loving hero who has struggled up the steep and rugged ascent from the prison of ignorance to the luminous realm of truth. Self-discovery is a process of self-transformation: progressively taming and refining the disorderly elements of the soul, and “solarizing” one’s inner nature by identifying with the author of one’s being and its radiant ideals of Justice, Beauty, and the Good.
Socrates’ guiding rule was: “Know Thyself.”
These words are among the most powerful ever uttered from any lips, and of eternal significance. No better advice has ever been given to man or woman. When one begins to explore this dictate it leads to profound understandings about all of creation. It makes unhappiness, fear, sadness, doubt, and all the negative emotions meaningless.
‘The kingdom of God is within you’ ~ Jesus
“Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?”
(1 Cor 3:16)“To thine own self be true” ~ Shakespeare
“Turn the spotlight inward” ~ Gandhi
“Trust yourself and you will know how to live” ~ Goethe